Monday, January 31, 2011

treasures from Grandma's house

I decided to put the Valentines day cards I found at my Grandma's on the tree that I decorate for the season!
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Valentines Day Peanut Butter Blossoms

I have two favorite family recipes that I LOVE! One from my Great Grandma Maggie and one from my Great Great Grandma. I have loved my Grandma Maggie's Banana Bread for as long as I can remember. The other recipe that I love is my Great Great Grandma Hann's Peanut Butter Blossoms. The peanut butter blossom recipe, I have down and could make in my sleep, the banana bread recipe- thats a different story. Boy, Grandma I wish you were here to tell me your secret! No matter how many times I make it, it never tastes as good as yours! This weekend I decided to make the peanut butter blossoms into Valentines with little Dove chocolate hearts! I was also able to spend some time at my Grandma Margaret's house this weekend and go through some of the cards she had saved through the years! They are so cute. I found ones that my mom had given to her grandparents, some that my grandparents had given to each other and a couple that were given to my Uncle Danny. I hope you enjoy the pictures! I am working on a couple of layout orders and hope to have pictures posted soon!
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Sunday, January 9, 2011

Pink and oh so pretty!

Here is my first Valentines layout of the season!  I love it!  Pink has always been one of my favorite colors and this layout is full of pinks!!!  It is $10.00 and is for sale at Treasures Past and Present!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Love Banner

Cute little Valentines banner!  It would look perfect in a window or above a fireplace!  It will soon be at Treasures Past and Present or you can email me for a custom order!  They are $7.50!  Makes a cute little gift!

Happy Friday all!


A little bit of pink....

A couple of little valentine goodies that can be found at Treasures Past and Present in downtown Sandwich!